Recordings from the Meetings
Antioch Community Meetings
Recordings from our open meetings can be found here. For recordings of members' meetings please go to the members section.
December 8th - Community Worship Meeting
Arthur led this meeting which was given over completely to worship.
We had a word in tongues from Bob with interpretations from John and Paola, and a little more from Bob.
We had words from Ursula and Ben, then Hugh, Filipa and Rebecca and then later from Joshua and Deborah.
Finally we had a word from Neil, some orientation to thanksgiving and intercession from Arthur and a sharing from Katie.
December 1st - Members Meeting
Please find this in the Members Talks section.
October 27th - Community Meeting
Hugh led this meeting and Arthur gave us a talk titled 'The Lord sits on his Throne' from Isaiah 6.
Sadly we did not get a recording of this meeting so here is the text of the talk.
October 13th - Community Meeting
Arthur led the meeting and during the worship we had words from Neil, Rebecca and Ben.
Neil gave us a talk called 'The Two Trees' looking at the tree of life and the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden.
We had some further re-commitments and one new commitment.
September 21/22 - Community Anniversary Weekend
Saturday morning
We had a session on Safeguarding led by CSS
Saturday evening
We had the Lord's Day opening ceremony led by Neil and Ros
We then restated our various community committments
Then a number of people made new committments to the community
Sunday morning
At the catholic mass we had personal sharings from Fr John and Fr Paul
We then had our prayer meeting led by Arthur
There was a talk on Rest and Holiness from Neil
There was a sung tongue from Bob, then words from Hugh and Daniele
Then we had words from Deborah, Rebecca and Ursula followed by a reflection on the Sabbath from Dan
More words from Reiner and Sarah and then a time of ministry
We finished with words from Paola, Danielle, Rebecca and Kyria
June 23rd - Community Meeting
Neil led the meeting and started with a welcome and some time with the children.
We then had a short orientation to worship, an exhortation, a word from Ben and then words from Mercy and Gina.
Hugh then gave the talk which was on 2 Timothy 4 - Preach the Word.
There were also sharings from Daniele and Kyria.
June 6th - Community Meeting
Hugh led the meeting and introduced it with with the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4.
He continued in this theme with an orientation to worship.
There were words from Paola, Clare and Gina
Neil continued the series of talks on 2 Timothy with a presentation on Godlessness from chapter 3.
May 26th - Community Meeting
Arthur led the meeting and in worship there were words from Tom, Sarah, Filipa, Dominique and Daniele.
Later there was a word from John.
We had a talk from Ros who continued to speak to us on 2 Timothy.
Finally Arthur wrapped up the meeting encouraging us to receive prayer on the themes from the talk.
May 12th - Community Meeting
Hugh led the meeting, and after a number of inspire songs we had words from Ben, Mimi, Thomas, Bob and Selene.
Neil then gave us the next installment in our series of talks from 2 Timothy.
Fred gave us a sharing about his community in Uganda and his work for Charis.
April 28th - Community Meeting
Neil led the meeting, addressed the children and introduced us to worship using the examples of Mary and Martha.
During the worship Neil gave an exhortation, and we had words from Bob and Ben.
Arthur spoke to us from 2 Timothy 1 about not being ashamed.
Neil gave a further exhortation towards the end of the meeting.
April 14th - Community Meeting
Arthur led the meeting and talked about recognising Jesus to the children using the passage about the road to Emmaus.
And he then did a short introduction to worship.
There was a tongue from Bob and words from Ben and Reiner.
Neil gave us a further introductory talk on the book 2 Timothy.
There was a final word from Catherine.
March 10th - Community Meeting
Neil led and introduced the meeting and gave an exhortation from Psalm 25.
We then had a word from Mimi and and Neil gave a response.
We had a word from Neil, and let, words from Karl, Reiner and Selene.
Arthur gave us a talk on how Authority and Accountability work in the community.
Finally Neil led us in some intercessions.
February 25th 2024 - Community Meeting
Once again Arthur led the meeting - we started with welcomes and children's time.
Arthur gave us an orientation to the worship meeting and after a while some of us sang out.
We were then led through four cycles of prayer inspired by Daniel's prayer in Dan 9
'Preparation', followed by a word from Ben
'Confession', followed by a word from Sarah
'Mercy', followed by a word from Emzo
'Breakthrough', followed by words from Filipa, John and Neil
We finished with a prayer and some orientation for the week of prayer and fasting ahead of us.
February 11th 2024 - Community Meeting
Arthur led the meeting and started with welcomes and a children's time.
Arthur gave us an exhortation to worship and Ben shared a word with us.
Hugh gave the main talk on Men and Women in Community - Equal, Different and Complementary
January 28th 2024 - Community Meeting
Neil led the meeting and started with the children's time and an orientation.
Neil then gave an exhortation to worship and there were words from Ben, Arthur, JP, Karl and Neil.
Dan spoke to us on Men and Women in Scripture.
We finished with intercessions and an announcement about On Holiday 2024.
January 14th 2024 - Community Meeting
Hugh led the meeting and opened with the story of Jesus' baptism from Mark's gospel.
During the worship we had words from Ben and Rebecca.
Neil spoke to us on 'Have this mind among yourselves...' from Phillipians 2.
Sunday 10th December
Hugh led the meeting and started with introductions and a children's slot.
There were words from Karl, Ben and Neil and later from Paola and Maria.
Arthur gave us a talk on Pastoral Care that included a sharing from Lizzie.
Sunday 26th November
Neil led the meeting and started with an Introduction.
Neil had a word for us during the worship and there were also words from Ben and Rebecca.
We then had a time of Thanksgiving.
There was a talk on 'Having a Common Life' from Hugh with a sharing from Clare.
Apologies as we had some issues with sound during the meeting which affected recordings.
Sunday 12th November
Arthur led the meeting and we began with Introductions
During the worship we had words from Rebecca, then from Neil and Ben and then from Mimi and Reiner
Dan then spoke to us about States and Stages of Life, which included a sharing from Nat.
Sunday 22nd October Community Meeting
Hugh led the meeting and started with introductions.
Dan then led us through some Initial Commitments and then some Underway Commitments.
Joshua shared about the YPO Weekend and Bob shared about his health and recovery.
During the worship we had a tongue from Bob and an interpretation that the recording didn't pick up.
We had words from Kyria, Ros, Emzo and Ben.
We then had words from Joshua, Alex and Karl.
We then had our main talk on being Charismatic and Ecumenical from Neil with a sharing from Mercy.
Sunday 8th October Community Meeting
Neil led the meeting and after a childrens slot there was an orientation to worship.
There was a word from Karl, then a further exhortation from Neil and a song from JP.
There were words from Ben, Clare and Rebecca.
Then we had the talk from Arthur which included a sharing from Rebecca.
(Arthur's slides, including the reflections he suggested, can be found here.)
We finished with some intercessions.
Community Anniversary Weekend, September 2023
First thing on Saturday Hugh kicked off the weekend with introductions and some admin.
He then gave an orientation to worship and it was concluded with a final prayer.
After a break Dan gave us a talk on Covenant.
In the afternoon we had a Lord's Day opening ceremony together.
Several people gave thanks to God for things in their lives.
After the cermony we had sharings from Martina, Karl, Kyria, John and Hugh.
On Sunday morning, after church services, we had our prayer meeting.
Arthur gave us an orientation to the time.
We had words fropm John, Paola and Clare. Then a further word from Tom.
We also had words from Cathy (sung), Karl and Filipa.
We then moved to a time of ministry and prayer.
Sunday afternoon we had some great entertainments, but these were not recorded.
Sunday 9th July Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Neil, Rebecca, Hugh, Emzo and Ben.
Dan spoke to us on Jesus as the Bridegroom.
We had a few announcements and a short sharing from Kyria.
Sunday 26th June Community Meeting
Neil spoke on the Names of Jesus and our name in Jesus.
Sunday 11th June Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
Arthur spoke to us on the Jesus the name above all names.
We had an update on Youth:Link from Karl and Katrina.
Sunday 25th May Community Meeting
Neil introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Dan, Emzo, Mimi and Ben.
Mercy spoke to us on the Holy Spirit.
We had sharings on the women's overnight from Patricia, Carol and Sarah.
Sunday 23rd April Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Karl, Elinor, Michael, Ben, Rebecca and Dominic.
Dominic spoke to us on the One New Man and the importance of Messianic Jews.
Sunday 26th March Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
We had senses from John, Clare, Ben, Mimi and Kyria.
Neil spoke to us on the names of Jesus, Redeemer and Victor.
Sunday 12th March Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had prayers from Hugh, Katrina, Eoin, JP and Anthony.
We had senses from Val, Emzo, Michael, Karl, Richard, Ben and Amy.
Arthur led us in a time of intercession.
Sunday 26th February Community Meeting
Dan introduced the meeting.
We had senses from JP, Neil, Ben, Cathy, Bob, Paola, Rebecca, John, Emzo and Cathrine.
Helen spoke to us on Jesus as the Son of God and the Son of Man.
Sunday 5th February Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Daniel and Ben.
Neil spoke to us on the names of Jesus: The Word, Rabbi and Teacher.
Sunday 22nd January Community Meeting
Neil introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Daniel and Ben.
Dan spoke to us on the names of Jesus: Christ, Lord and Saviour.
We had sharings from Michael and Kyria.
Sunday 8th January Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Neil, John, Ben, Rebecca and Kyria.
Arthur and Elinor spoke to us about renewing hope and Nehemiah.
The text of the talk is here, and the slides Arthur used are here.
The final slide has some good prompts to help us explore our own role in renewing and rebuilding.
Sunday 11th December Community Meeting
Anthony introduced the meeting.
We had senses from John, Paola, Deborah and Ben.
Clare spoke to us about hope and the season of Advent.
And the text of her talk is here.
We had sharings from Reiner and Mercy.
Sunday 20th November Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Bob, Josh, Neil and Ben.
Anthony spoke to us about centring our lives on God.
Sunday 6th November Community Meeting
Neil introduced the meeting.
We had a sense from Neil, Filipa, Rebecca, Ben and Trevor.
Dan spoke to us about centring our lives on God.
Sunday 16th October Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
Neil spoke to us about Lamentation and Hope.
We had a sense from Anthony.
Sunday 2nd October Community Meeting
Anthony introduced the meeting and we learned a new song.
We had senses from Hugh and Arthur.
Ros spoke to us with a reflection on lamentation.
And the notes for her talk are here: Ros' Talk
Community Anniversary Weekend - 17 & 18 September
Hugh introduced the weekend
We had a talk from Dan on Lamentation as a Response to God
As the audio quality was not great here is another edit which be be clearer: Dan's Talk
And you can get the slides Dan used here: Talk Slides
Finally, here is the link to the video on YouTube.
We had our usual big prayer meeting.
Arthur gave us an introduction and an orientation to lamenting to the Lord and we took some time to respond personally.
He then gave us an orientation to putting our requests to the Lord and we responded personally.
We then prayed our summer prayer all together, followed by some of expressing our trust in God.
After some worship we had a word from Tom from Hebrews and we went back to worship.
We had words from Ruth, Katrina and Mimi.
We had words from Richard, Anthony and Emzo.
We had words from Ursula, Alex and Clare.
We had words from Elinor, Ben and Michael.
We had words from JP, Sara and Paola.
Deborah prayed Psalm 20 as a prayer for us all.
Sunday 11th September Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from John, Neil, Emzo, Nadia and Reiner.
Sunday 10th July Community Meeting
Jonathan introduced the meeting.
We had a talk on the Trinity from Salim.
We had senses from Emzo, JP, Clare, Neil and Rebecca .
We had an honouring time for Salim.
The livestream of the meeting is here.
Sunday 12th June Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Elinor, Filipa, Rebecca, Ben and Clare.
We had a talk on the Trinity from Pete M.
We had some intercessions and announcements.
The livestream of the meeting is here.
Sunday 22nd May Community Meeting
Dan J. introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Amy and Dan J.
Dan J. prayed over us.
Sunday 8th May Community Meeting
Anthony introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Bob, Hugh, and Katrina.
Pete and Amy spoke to us about the Trinity and a painting of Genesis 18.
Anthony led us in a time of intercessions.
(Livestream video of the meeting can be found here.)
Sunday 24th April Blessing Meeting
We practised and then performed Adiemus by Karl Jenkins.
The performance was recorded and if you would like a copy please contact Hugh or James.
Sunday 13th March Community Meeting
Andrew introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Emzo, Hugh, John, and JP.
Dan spoke to us about the three spiritual exercises for Lent.
(Livestream video of the meeting can be found here.)
Sunday 13th February Community Meeting
Dan introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Bob, Rebecca, Ben, Richard, John and Clare.
We took some time as Hugh lead us through hearing some of the senses the Lord has been saying to us this year.
Dan, Nathan and Nina spoke to us about the upcoming Blessing meeting.
(Livestream video of the event can be found here.)
Sunday 23rd January Community Meeting
Anthony introduced the meeting.
Anthony summarised some of the prayers and senses we had.
We had senses from Ben, Nina and Clare.
We took some time to remember and honour the life of our brother John, with sharings from Bob, Nadia and Trevor.
(Livestream video of the meeting can be found here.)
Sunday 9th January Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Rebecca, Ben, Bruce, Mercy, Dan and Josh.
Nathan and Nina shared with us on the blessing others.
(Livestream video of the meeting can be found here.)
Sunday 12th December Community Meeting
Jonathan introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Bob, John, JP, Nathan, Amy and Paola.
Anthony spoke to us on the forthcoming blessing meetings.
(Livestream video of the meeting can be found here.)
Sunday 28th November Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Ben, Paola, Elinor and Michael.
Andrew spoke to us on loving the poor.
We had sharings from Josh, Bruce and Mimi on serving the poor.
(Livestream video of the meeting can be found here and here.)
Sunday 14th November Community Meeting
Hugh introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Bruce, Bob, Mags, Gabriel, Ursula and Daniel.
Anthony spoke to us on loving the poor.
We said farewell to Mike - we had honourings from Ken, Nat and Jacob before Mike said a few words.
(Livestream video of the meeting can also be found here.)
Sunday 24th October Community Meeting
Jonathan introduced the meeting.
We took some time to remember our departed brother Joe, with words from Bruce, Clare and Simon and Thomas.
Katrina then shared about her time with Joe and we prayer over Katrina.
(Livestream video of the event can be found here.)
Sunday 10th October Community Meeting
Andy introduced the meeting and prayed for the Holy Spirit
There were words from Ben, Andy, Reiner, Bob and John
Then a word from Emzo followed by Andy leading us in spiritual warfare
And a word from Rebecca about being firmly planted
And a talk on the Pastoral Care, One to One meeting from Hugh with sharings from Mags and Elinor.
(Livestream video of meeting can be found here.)
Sunday 26th September 2021 Community Meeting
We had senses from Reiner, Ben, and Clare.
We had a talk from Arthur on pastoral care.
(Livestreamed video of the meeting can be found here.)
Community Anniversary Weekend - 18 & 19th September
Jonathan introduced the weekend and the Saturday prayer time.
We had a talk from Dan on Why Community? and the slides are here. Or watch on YouTube (see below).
In the evening we celebrated the Lords Day with four public commitments, and we took some time to honour Nat.
Paola and Andy honoured Mike for his work as the community administrator.
And here is the link to a YouTube playlist with the main talk, the Lord's Day and commitments, the Sunday prayer meeting and the entertainments, including the farewell performance of the Adam's Apples!
Sunday 12th September 2021 Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Ben, Mimi, Clare, Andrew Bull, Bruce, Paola, JP, and Emzo.
We had sharings from Dan, Katrina and Mags.
Sunday 11th July 2021 Community Meeting
Sorry, we had some issues with recording this meeting...
We had some sharings on how outreach has worked during lockdown
Katrina and Nat shared about Youth:Link
We also took some time to honour Don at his last meeting before he returns to the US
We heard from Bob, Reiner (some of the recording is rather distorted), Ursula and Mimi
And then Don himself spoke to us
Sunday 27th June 2021 Community Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Hugh, JP, Reiner, Rebecca, Mags and Ben.
We had a talk on retreats from Clare and Andy.
Pete led us through a time of intercessions.
Sunday 13th June 2021 Community Meeting
We had a sharings from Bob, Ben and Gina, Mercy, James, Nathan, Nette, Anne and Kyria.
Sunday 23rd May 2021 Community Meeting
We had a talk / sharing on our Sharing Groups from Reiner and Ursula
We did not manage to get this recorded in the meeting so this is a later recording.
Sunday 10th May 2021 Community Meeting
We had senses from Paola, Ben, and Filipa.
We had a sharings from Mario, Mary and Kyria.
Sunday 11th April 2021 Community Meeting
Jonathan introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Ben, Reiner, Trevor, Bob and Rebecca.
We had a talk from Dan and Paola on the Pastoral Care.
Sunday 28th March 2021 Community Meeting
Andrew introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Paola and Ben.
We had a talk from Arthur on the Parable of the Mustard Seed.
Sunday 14th March 2021 Friend's Meeting
We had a talk from Elinor on the Parables of the Unjust Judge and the Pharisee & the Tax Collector.
We had senses from Ben, Bob, Mimi and Clare.
Sunday 28th February 2021 Community Meeting
We had senses from Ben, Bob, Reiner, Clare, Emzo, Paola, Nett, Rebecca and Elinor
We had a talk from Anthony on the Parable of the Shrewd Steward.
Sunday 14th February 2021 Community Meeting
We had senses from Anne, Reiner, Rebecca, Ben, Mimi, Robert, and Paola.
We had a talk from Andy on the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Sunday 24th January 2021 Community Meeting
Jonathan introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Nadia, Yazbeth, Rebecca and Emzo.
We had a talk from Andrew on the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
Saturday 16th January 2021 Community Day
Dan gave a talk on introducing the Parables of Jesus.
(Video of the talk here)
Sunday 10th January 2021 Community Meeting
We had senses from Filipa, Ben, Bob, Reiner, Georgia Grace and Clare.
Sunday 13th December 2020 Community Meeting
We had spiritual senses shared by Ben and Clare.
Sunday 22nd November 2020 Friend's Meeting
We had spiritual senses shared.
We had a talk from Calumn on unanswered prayer.
We had a time of intercession.
We had an update from Calum on the ecumenical work being done in England.
Sunday 8th November 2020 Community Meeting
Jonathan introduced the meeting.
We took a time to remember our brother Joe and Gabriel gave a sharing about him.
We had a talk on listening to God from Virginia
We had senses from Ben and Paola.
Sunday 25th October 2020 Friends Meeting
Arthur introduces the meeting.
We had senses from Rebecca, Mimi, Yazbeth, Felipa and Net.
We had sharings from Anne, Ben, Robert, Georgia Grace, Stephen and Nadia.
Sunday 11th October 2020 Community Meeting
Jonathan introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Tom, Clare, Rebecca and Izzy.
We had a talk on prayer from Arthur with a sharing from Catherine.
Sunday 27th September 2020 Friend's Meeting
We had senses from Bob, Mimi, Paola, JP, Mags, Trev, Linda, Angie and Gina.
We had a talk from Trevor and Linda on prayer.
Sunday 13th September 2020 Community Meeting
We had sense from Anthony, Robert, Rebecca, Bob, Hugh, Clare and Ben.
We had a talk from Andy on prayer with input from Clare.
We had a sharing from Joe and Katrina.
Sunday 12th July 2020 Community Meeting
We had senses from Anne, Ben, Clare and Don.
Jonathan lead us in a time of intercession.
Sunday 28th June 2020 Friend's Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Bob, Mimi, Rebecca, Gina, Tom, Bruce, Trevor, Clare.
We had a sharing from Ben about a recent blessing.
We had a talk from Ursula about desert experiences
(or watch the video here)
Sunday 14th June 2020 Community Meeting
Hugh spoke to us about the Holy Spirirt and revivals in history.
We had senses from Paola, Clare, Ken, Bob and Reiner.
Joe also said a few words to the community before we had a time of prayer for him.
Sunday 31st May 2020 Community Meeting
We had senses from Bruce, Clare, Fr John, Rebecca, Robert, Nadia.
Katrina shared with us her experience of working in the Nightingale Hospital.
Anthony spoke to us about Acts 18 and Apollos, Aquila and Priscilla.
Sunday 17th May 2020 Community Meeting
Arthur spoke to us a about Pentecost and Personal Conversion with a sharing from Meggie.
Here is the powerpoint from Arthur's talk.
Sunday 26th April 2020 Community Meeting
We had senses from Nadia, Hugh, Linda, Joe, Rebecca and Tom.
We had sharings from Mags, Bob, Nadia, Kyria, Nathan, Val, Ben and Ann.
Sunday 19th April 2020 Friend's Meeting
We had senses from Mike, Mimi, Bob, Don, Mags and Robert.
We had a sharing from Lloyd and Larissa.
Andy spoke to us about the story of Thomas in John's Gospel.
Sunday 8th March 2020 Community Meeting
We had senses from Clare, Ben and Rebecca.
Dominic spoke to us about hearing God.
Dan led us in a time of intercession.
Sunday 23rd February 2020 Friend's Meeting
Arthur introduced the meeting.
We had senses from Bob, Trevor and Ben.
We had sharings from Joe F and Mercy.
Hugh spoke to us about Luke 19 and the story of Zacchaeus.
Arthur shared some of the senses for prayer ministry.
Sunday 9th February 2020 Community Meeting
We had senses from Ben, Mags and Rebecca.
We had senses from Ruth and Emzo.
Lloyd made an initial commitment to the community.
Arthur spoke to us about Philippians 4.
We had a time of intercessions.
Saturday 25th January 2020 Women's Day
Heather spoke to the women of Antioch on Joel chapter 2.
The powerpoint slides sre here
Sunday 12th Janury 2020 Community 40th Anniversary Prayer Meeting
We had a prayer meeting marking Antioch's 40th Anniversary. Andy introduced the meeting.
We had a time of members giving prayers of praise.
We had prayers of blessing prayer by John K, Mike S and Trevor.
Bruce gave us a talk about community.
We had prayers of thanks from Clare, Mike T, Ursula, Angie, Gina, Danielle and Trevor.
Remember: Some talks are in the Members section
Recordings from Members' meetings, or other "internal" talks, are in the Members' section, and you'll need to sign in. Drop an email to the editor if you can't remember the details.
Recordings for D3 are on a separate page. There are now nine recordings online.
Recordings for TPC are also on their own page.