Sword of the Spirit Joined to Other Community Networks
July 2023

Four Community Networks agreed to get together in London for three days from 18-20th July 2023 to take the next steps in forming a global Strategic Partnership. We did so as a response to the Spirit’s prompting that this is God’s prophetic work among us for the times in which we live.
The four networks were The Sword of the Spirit (SOS), represented by Jean Barbara (current President) Manny de los Santos (a leader of Ligaya ng Panginoon Community -Manila) and Andy Pettman (from the Sword of the Spirit); North American Network of Charismatic Covenant Communities (NAN), represented by Peter Poppleton (the NAN Chairman) and his wife Sharon, Dan Almeter (a leader of Alleluia Community) and his wife Marie, the European Network of Communities (ENC) represented by Johannes Fichtenbauer (Current President), Alex Myskow (next President), Kevin Bridges (Johannes P.A.) & Dominic McDermott (Prayer Coordinator) and the Servants of Jesus Community (Australia) represented by Joe and Julie Chircop (Community Founders/Leaders) and Richard Martin (Community Leader).
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