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Catholic Charismatic Renewal Worship Events - Summer 2020

July 2020

Catholic Charismatic Renewal Worship Events - Summer 2020

Ged Farrell led a powerful and prophetic time of praise last week. As Ged lifted up the name of the Lord in praise, he felt drawn to share the dry bones passage from Ezekiel 37:1-14. Reflecting on this reading, Ged said: "As we are moving out of lockdown, we need to know that He is the living God who breathes new life into us, just as He breathed new life into the dry bones." This message about the dry bones and receiving new life was later confirmed by another person via email. God is moving in our times of praise, as He promised. Thanks to Ged, and to all our wonderful worship leaders, for serving us and blessing us with their gifts of praise.

Praise on 15 July will be led by Gavin Evenhuis. Gavin and his wife Sally organise and lead The Mustard Seed, a monthly charismatic evening of renewal based in St Margaret’s Church, Twickenham. They have been meeting since autumn 2013 after specific inspiration received praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament at the New Dawn Conference. The name was given later; when praying with a friend, they came upon Matthew 13.31 (The parable of the Mustard Seed). This verse confirmed the vision of providing a place of refreshment and renewal (shelter) for folk who have been busy serving the church and the renewal in their local area. Each meeting includes extended praise, prophecy, teaching and prayer ministry. They have been unable to meet during lockdown; so they are now waiting on the Lord to see what next ……

Please do join us on the CCR England Facebook page between 7 and 8pm on Wednesdays. Here’s the link:

As last week, you can praise however best suits you: in your homes with others if you are able, on Zoom or WhatsApp with your prayer group, or on your own. We may be singing different songs or proclaiming different Scriptures, but we will be united spiritually through the act of praise and will see the Spirit moving. We then invite you at 8pm to have a time of silence and listening to the Lord. If, after this time of listening, you have a prophetic word to share, we invite you to do so viaemail: Let’s also take time to praise each day, because this is our gift to the Church and the world at this difficult time.

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