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YES Retreat

October 2019

YES Retreat

The Kairos YES Retreat is in its ninth year. It exists to gather youth (14-17 years old) from Sword of the Spirit communities and connected groups and to provide a space where youth can meet God and begin, or deepen, their relationship with him. One of the fruits we are witnessing is a growing and positive network of friendships a cross communities that provide support for the youth as they continue to walk with God. We were delighted that this year 75 young people from all across Europe, representing all of our communities. Gdansk and Bielsko-Biała (Poland), Leuven (Belgium), London (England), Glasgow (Scotland), Belfast (N. Ireland), Dublin (Ireland) and Munich (Germany).
The theme this year was being ‘Called to Adventure’. Our focus was Psalm 16 ‘You show me the path of life, in your presence there is fullness of joy.’ (Psalm 16:11) We looked at Jesus’ call to ‘come and follow me’ and how he issues that call to each one of us. We want to hear this invitation and courageously respond to the adventure he has for us. Additionally, we looked at how the Christian life is a life of joy. Through workshops we looked at our identity in Christ. Only Christ is the true source of joy. Nothing else can truly satisfy us. We want to be overwhelmingly filled with the joy of the Gospel.
Finally, we talked about being sent out on this adventure of Christian life. We want to step out in faith and wholeheartedly choose the life of adventure to which Christ is inviting us. It was a great retreat, God was at work and a lot of fun was had by all.

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