Preparing for Pentecost with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
May 2020

NSC Chair Maria Heath encourages us to actively wait in the upper room for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit as we approach the feast of Pentecost. We invite you to listen to Maria as she shares some thoughts on how we all might prepare for Pentecost -
Some things we can do
1 - Pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday, praying for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit for ourselves, the Church and the world. One possible way to pray the Novena is at and will be available from Thursday, Ascension Day.
2 - Join people from around the world for a Pentecost Vigil on Saturday 30th May at 9 pm led by CHARIS. This will be on the CHARIS International You Tube channel. The invitation is at:
3 - Join the CCR family in England on Pentecost Sunday, 31 May: the NSC is partnering with One Hope Project for a special Pentecost event at the earlier time of 5pm on YouTube. This will include, praise and worship, a talk by Jenny Baker, and an opportunity to pray for and receive the Holy Spirit. We will provide the You Tube link next week.
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