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Eulogy of Chale Mantica

April 2020

Eulogy of Chale Mantica

Dear brothers and sisters of the Sword of the Spirit,
Through this message we communicate to you that Mr. Carlos Mántica, has reached the place of honor for which he strained all his life. God, in his infinite mercy, has called him into his courts and he is enjoying His presence forever.
Chale – as we fondly call him – died yesterday on April 7th, 2020, at 84 years in his beloved Managua, Nicaragua.
Chale was a valuable pioneer of our communities and of the Sword of the Spirit, he was one of the founders of “La Ciudad de Dios” alongside other great brothers. He was also President of the Sword of the Spirit in highly critical and important times of our history. He helped the formation of many communities in the Ibero-American Region, he wrote countless talks, books and courses and he also gave and ran innumerable conferences, retreats and preachings all around the world.
He is a very beloved and respected man by his family, his community, the region, the Sword of the Spirit and, of course, his beloved Nicaragua.
Rest in peace, Chale.
May God have him in his glory.
We will remember you kindly and carry you always in our hearts.
We would like to share this eulogy written by Jean Barbara, president of the Sword of the Spirit, available in our website. Please feel free to share it with members in your communties as a way to honor our brother.

In Christ,

Jean Barbara (President of the Sword of the Spirit)
José Luis Carretero (President of the Ibero-American Region)

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14

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